28th June 2025
For any issues or queries, don’t hesitate to contact us at: wimun@wgs.org
WiMUN XVI is taking place on Saturday 28th June 2025.
This year’s WiMUN is a resolution-based conference.
As in previous years, we are a beginners-to-intermediate conference and delegates of all abilities are welcome.
Advice on terminology is available here and advice on resolutions can be found here
This website will be updated regularly with further information.
Our Press Team will be producing a magazine which will distributed amongst all delegates on the day of the conference.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions using the form below or email us at wimun@wgs.org
Model United Nations (MUN) is a role play debate in which students act as diplomats representing different countries. They discuss and debate global issues, aiming to find solutions and agreements, just like at real United Nations conferences. It helps students develop skills like public speaking, critical thinking, and diplomacy, whilst also increasing their understanding of international relations. MUN conferences take place globally and are a fun way for students to learn about world affairs.