Five Top Tips for Council Success
This WiMUN, we will be running the traditional two councils- Security and Human Rights Council. While these are often more advanced, fast-paced and detailed committees, they are also well-loved by many delegates, and provide a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talents. For delegates who may be trying out their first council at WiMUN, Viola Baker has compiled our Top 5 Tips to help you on your way to council success.
1. Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of a council. Whilst the delegates are more advanced, and the debate will be more specific and fast-paced, there is no reason why you should feel any more nervous for a council than any other committee so long as you have done your research.
2. Confidence is key! Try to start speaking as soon as possible- things move quickly in councils so the faster you get your voice in the better. Councils are also smaller than committees and therefore everyone has a greater chance and more time to speak. Use this opportunity to standout with an intellectual point or by demonstrating thorough research.
3. Don’t let arrogant delegates put you off. Although, sometimes, delegates in councils have a heightened sense of their own self importance Chairs or Presidents are very good at looking past flowery talk and bravado to see which delegates know their stuff and are making logical and sophisticated points regardless of how loud their voices are.
4. Be specific and sophisticated with your clauses. Clauses in council resolutions should be more advanced and detailed than in committees. Gone are the days when you can just write a clause asking to 'give aid' or 'send help'. Make your solutions more innovative and focused to the issue so as to impress!
5. For Security Council, there is loads of advice under the 'For Delegates' section on the website. Don’t forget to go check it out.
6. Most importantly: Enjoy yourself and get involved!